Girls Health
We are committed to helping young girls attend school regularly and not miss lessons just because they do not have adequate underwear or the means to buy sanitary towels during their monthly cycle. Many young girls are excluded by their local culture from being 'out in public' at this time, and some are even locked away due to old fashioned traditions and ignorance.
Eagles Wings is working to change unhelpful customs and habits, provide free sanitary towels, and bring education on health and puberty in local communities and schools. We believe the inability to pay for the pads is not a reason to miss essential education.
Our partners are carefully chosen for this role and we have seen many challenges, but against that, a willingness to change and embrace a new way forward which will benefit these bright young women of the future.
Here's a few pictures from Nepal, Kenya and Uganda. Eagles Wings volunteer Sarah Balla had a private session with the girls in this school in the mountains and was able to give them new underwear packs. We have been helping Pauline Mwangi in Kenya take bulk packs of sanitary towels into girls schools and bottom right is a seminar in a hut in Northern Uganda bringing health education to youth.